Contracting is buying a service or product from a third party, and it is required by law. Most contracts pertain to buying aircraft, trains, automobiles, buildings, dams, tunnels, bridges and many more. Some contracts pertain to services and products.

Things that you should know when you consult Government Contracting 101

The first thing that a contractor would tell you is that the whole process starts with receiving the bid.

You, as the client, would provide the contractor with a list of what you expect from them and the contractor would then prepare their bid proposal. This would then be reviewed by the government, who would go through the bid and then determine who will get the contract.


A good contractor would also make sure that they submit a bid that includes all expenses in writing.


They would also explain what kind of payment would be done once the contract is awarded to the bidder. A contractor would also show you their portfolio to have a better view of the things that they have done in the past. They can also provide you with samples of their work to review.


Make sure that you understand all the terms and conditions associated with the contract.


Be sure that you know the timelines of the project because the timeline is very important in the government sector. You should also check if there is an estimate made and how you can pay for it. You may incur additional costs if the contractor will have to buy supplies for you or if you will need to use additional manpower.


It is also a good idea to see how your contractor would settle disputes. Perhaps you don’t think this is important, but it would be. Sometimes, some contractors will not accept the price that was listed in the initial contract. They also tend to ask for revisions to be made. You will have to spend more money in the long run because you will be forced to change these terms. A reputable contractor would also make sure that they would settle these matters before the actual work begins.


In case you are unclear about anything, it will be better if you ask for clarifications.


Just remember that once the contract has been signed, it binds the contractor, and you need to follow its stipulations. Make sure that you look over every detail not to have any surprises later on. Some contractors would even ask for some upfront payment just to give you an idea of how much they would charge you.


Contractors will also have their terms and conditions, which should also be considered. These terms may include deadlines, payment options, and other pertinent details regarding the work. If you find a big project, the most important thing is that you should go with it. A reliable contractor will handle your needs and provide the best services that your government needs.